Christian Boylove Forum

I could itemize them for you...

Submitted by Triple Q on October 15 1999 at 14:44:12
In reply to Do tell! Submitted by Dirk Gently on October 14 1999 at 21:04:33

but I won't because it would take too long.

How about we start with the most important?
Love one another

In my opinion, in Christ's heart that meant to...duh, love one another, unconditionally...and not just one another but all humanity as well.

In today's world that means to love one another until you find out they don't agree with you or that they have some deep dark secret or simply because they don't believe as you do.

Today's world has twisted a simple plan, to love all men as equals, and placed boundaries on it. Today's world is more attuned to Self than it is to All.

"How does my loving this person affect me?" instead of "How does my loving this person affect him?"

As it is in today's world, the Christian religion has turned from a program of praising all people to condemning those who do not accept them. It is no longer concerned with rehabilitating those that it thinks are unworthy of God's love (as Christ did when he went among the moneychangers and harlots), but has begun a program of seeking out and destroying whatever chance the person might have had of being rehabilitated because the Christians of today think that they will become tainted with "sin" if they associate too closely with the "sinner", too involved in Self to worry about All.

Get the idea? The basic shift has been away from society as a whole (All) and more towards Christianity (Self) as the guiding force in the religion.

Basic (the original beliefs) as opposed to Complicated (today's beliefs).

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