Christian Boylove Forum

Re: My answer

Submitted by Ben on October 17 1999 at 17:51:37
In reply to Re: My answer Submitted by Bach on October 14 1999 at 21:39:41

Hi Bach -
Sorry if you were offended by my statement (perhaps I worded it ambigously). My point is that if you don't think the bible is valid, then you don't have to worry about what the bible says about sin at all. It's like being afraid that, while walking the streets of NY, that you broke the laws of the State of California. Sins in the bible are only of importance to us when we have some belief (or acceptance of) the bible. This seems to be a rather benign statement (and a restatement of the obvious). Does this change what you thought I meant any?

Somehow I doubt that you follow all of those laws in Leviticus yourself.

Because I acknowledge that a law is valid, doesn't mean that I have been successful in following it. I am also a human, who is imperfect (greatly so, in fact :-) and what I strive for is far ahead of what I acheive.

Jesus, as you well know, fulfilled the old Jewish laws so that the Levitican laws were not needed for the most part. Perhaps Leviticus was a bad example. However the quotation from Romans is still pretty clear about men laying with other men, no matter what caused it. In a way, our faith determines how far we will go to deny what tempts us. If God were standing in front of you with a loaded gun, you might be more inclined to not sin. When we sin, we doubt God just enough to allow ourselves to blow it. Fortunately, we are forgiven when we blow it, because of the sacrifice that Jesus made.

Again, sorry if what I said rubbed you wrong. I consider all posts to be simply my opinion, and as worthy (or unworthy) of being stated as others.

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