Christian Boylove Forum

Sorry, I just can't stay here any longer...

Submitted by BLues on October 22 1999 at 04:31:34

Yes, I must be off. I just cant take it anymore! My brain aches from trying to understand those who do not try to understand me. My heart breaks from forgiving those who will not forgive me. In my dreams there is a place for me. High on a mountain top, yes, a tree house high on a mountain top! From there I could see the whole world I bet! I’d get quite a view up there in the sky! Much closer to God than down here with Shar-I. I wonder if the wonderless could see me up there in my tree? Probably. No, that’s no good. My tree would be cut with hateful swings! Surely a blessing that I thought of this now. Anyhow, I wouldn’t want to burden the tree. So, I guess the place for me (I’m sure a few would agree) is enclosed in a damp, lightless cave. Of course! In a hole! Deep, deep inside. Besides, it was earth I was raised from, its the earth I’ll return to, why should my life break that precious union with the land? I know they’ll understand, all of those lads, who seem so glad to have my undivided attention. My attention was theirs and they knew it. My intentions were good and I never failed them, not once! And if my will
is a dam, it hasn’t weakened at all. Through the rise and the fall of this weighty temptation my walls never spilled out one drop! Seems a shame to stop loving... A shame to lessen their smiles, even by one, but they’re young, and they were never mine anyway. I’m sure someone else will realize how special they are, take as much time as I did to care. And soon enough, they won't even wonder where I’m at. Won't ever wonder... They’ll take up a post with the rest of the wonderless and soon be invading my cave!

I guess I'll just stay here after all...


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