Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Stones and Loaves

Submitted by Steve on March 02 2000 at 21:18:41
In reply to Stones and Loaves Submitted by Ford Prefect on March 01 2000 at 13:32:34

John 9 vs 2-3

The Disciples asked Jesus "Who has sinned that this man may be born blind, himself or his parents"

Neither replied Jesus " This man was born that way, so that the glory of God may be displayed in his life"

I compare what both of you have written to the above passage, and yet I still struggle with why God would allow us to have these feelings. (Yet St. Paul was cursed with a thorn in his side that the Lord wouldn't take away - Maybe he was gay!)

I don't fully understand your reasoning on the approaches / activity of TJ's older friend, and your reasoning of his new feelings. Surely social conditioning allows for sexual orientation and awareness to be altered due to experience. It's far too common, amongst Gays and Boylovers to be coincidence. And surley these advances cannot be in the will of God nor acceptable to God. It would be unfair to have others tell unwillingly but after my first sexual experience at the age of 8 with a lad (12-13yrs) from church right through puberty till I was about 14, I have become not the man I would have been had those experiences not happened. A fixation with Teenage development, genitals, the whole aura of a teenage boy attracts me and is often sexualised. There are other reasons, for sure, for these feelings low-self confidence, no luck with girls as a teenager. But how can you say that these doors were God's doing, in order to bring about glory to him, when being that very person brings pain and sin and surely displeases God.

I know I'm rambling, but I'm still trying to work out whether relationships with teenage boys is a healthy situation to be in, like so many of you have found it to be.

God Bless

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