Christian BoyLove Forum #60305
the problem with this scenario is that after a while it will get VERY boring; after a few decades at the outside the attraction of this will pall - indeed I have a working hypothesis that the Muslims who end up in their 'paradise' of young compliant women will ultimately find themselves to be in Hell as the demands of the women become ever more oppressive and overwhelming...
I think biblically the phrase 'like the angels of Heaven' can be interpreted to indicate either no sex or sex no longer restricted to the marriage bed. This would seem to make sense if the issue with sex being only for marriage arises because it is the most complete form of communication that is possible for humans in our present bodies - as suggested by the logic of this discussion with the suggestion that our new resurrection bodies will not be operating under the same constraints. Note however that the question of whether gay sex will be holy is actually a different one. |