Christian BoyLove Forum #60362

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Please help me - Please tell me

Posted by hfj on 2009-10-18 22:00:00, Sunday

For nearly 4 months now i have had this dilema/feeling/problem infact i dont know what to call it. PLEASE HELP ME.

For some reason i cant stop thinking about this particular boy - never before in my life have i been like this about a 10 year old. Let me make it clear it DEFINATELY IS NOT a sexual perversion of thoughts and desires. I can honestly say i have never thought of him in terms of sexual gratification. This is my problem , everytime i am with him at the youth club, his company is just magical, he lights up my life, and has become a kind of drug for me in terms of emotional well being.

When he arrives his face lights up as he is always so pleased to see me, we play games all evening like football, basketball, table tennis etc and anything else we are doing that week. Everytime i enter the room he always shouts for me to be on his team , always. he just shows me so much feelings from his heart it just makes me overflow with emotion.
During the evening club we always seem to get close and either hug or hold hands in someway for a few special moments - why this happens i have no idea it just does and seems and feels so genuine and profound.
It seems we love each others company - i want to do so much for him, he is so wonderful and has now a place in my heart.
I would love to take him out on day trips but feel other may think i have another motive in mind, which could be further from the truth.

Now the past month everytime its time to go he always comes up to me and wraps his arms around me - the feeling it gives me is so wonderful, he is giving me his love and emotion in my opinion.

What do i do now ? i really want to tell him that i love him etc should i do that ? ..... infact what should i do ? why am i always thinking about him and praying for him ?? am i perverted or is it just 2 people who respect each other and just really enjoy each others company so much ??

I feel so empty without him.

Please tell me

hfj {edited non-secure e-mail address}

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