Christian BoyLove Forum #61703
Let me begin by saying I am quiet enjoying this discussion and I have not taken anything as a sign of agression and I hope it is likewise. The 5 steps I described earlier was just one possibility and yours was another but even in your steps there are enough chances and warning signs for the parent to come to more sensible realisations before it escalates to the last step. Also in your steps the outcome was still the same as my steps, it doesnt matter if the child initiated or not in the end when the pictures are traded amongts other pedophiles it make NO DIFFERENCE, guys dont sit there looking at the videos and photos saying "hmm this one was consentual and this one wasnt"
Your also talking about consentual sex, did daddy also explain to the child that he would be trading his pictures with other older men who are lusting over him or her and they would be also using the pictures for sexual pleasures, and did dady acquire the consent from the child to do that given that the child can even comprehend the reality of the whole thing? Even though I dont agree with the whole process before it even gets to that stage I am still entertaining the idea for the sake of a discussion. Also allow me to explain a very important matter here adressing your title of harm and this time I will be using the steps again but pushing it to a level that is quite gruesome... step 1 - a pedophile step 2 - a pedophile parent step 3 - a pedophile parent who has sexual interaction with their kids. (consentual or non) step 4 - a pedophile parent who has sexual interaction with their kids and then takes explicit photographs.(consentual or non) step 5 - a pedophile parent who has sexual interaction with their kids and then takes explicit photographs then shares them with others. (consentual or non) step 6 - a pedophile parent who has sexual interaction with their kids and then takes explicit photographs then shares them with others and then begins carrying out bondage and masacre type fantasy acts (consentual or non) step 7 - a pedophile parent who has sexual interaction with their kids and then takes explicit photographs then shares them with others and then begins carrying out bondage and masacre type fantasy acts followed by murder. step 8 - a pedophile parent who has sexual interaction with their kids and then takes explicit photographs then shares them with others and then begins carrying out bondage and masacre type fantasy acts followed by murder and then necrophilia (sexual acts)with the dead body. step 9 - a pedophile parent who has sexual interaction with their kids and then takes explicit photographs then shares them with others and then begins carrying out bondage and masacre type fantasy acts followed by murder and then necrophilia (sexual acts)with the dead body and cannabilism. So whats to say step 7 to step 9 are less accaptable then the other steps ? A person whos at step 7 to 9 is hardly going to seek your confidence, counsel and support Cat? Who wants to out themselves and be labled a monster ? Whos to say whats right and whats wrong, to the avarage heterosexual step 1 is unnacaptable, to the avarage pedophile the other steps above 2 or 3 maybe unacaptable, heck to someone who finds step 8 accaptable might not find step 9 accaptable, so it seeems that everyone whos established or DESENSITISED themselves to certain values finds the next level up from theirs disturbing. This is why God sent out religion, to show people who are lsot on different steps what is right and what is not. Wherever the harm begins is wherever all the other steps become obsolete, whether you want to argue if consentual sex had any harm is irrelevant because there is no proof without exploring the psyche of that child, even the minutets possibility that it could be harmful or create some resentment should be considered as harm and refrained from. There is users instruction guide to life comliments of God for those who have lost their way on the steps, it clearly explains who decides what is harmful and what is harmful. |