Christian BoyLove Forum #61709

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ugh gah wtf?

Posted by Godspell on 2010-02-12 17:22:07, Friday
In reply to God decides what is harmful posted by Unique on 2010-02-12 03:35:20, Friday

I started reading your "steps" again and when I got to number 6 I had the exact reaction as the subject line and it got stronger as you went farther; murder, necrophilia, and cannibalism, really? Do you have a single tiny bit of proof that this ever ever happens?

There was a scare in the US in the 1980s about satanism sex scandals and small children. It ended up that a bunch of people went to prison for years for incidents that never ever even happened. The kids were coached into lying by mental health professionals and judicial people.

Your 'steps' make many assumptions AND use the slippery slope argument to go to places there is no reason for them to go to.

Seriously Step 9 put pictures in my head that just made me want to gouge my inner eyes out. Why are you thinking about Step 9? eeeew

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