Christian BoyLove Forum #62331
and something which your pastor should be equipped to work through with you, not requiring a therapist. Not that I'm rejecting therapists, just unwilling to see you spend the money if you don't need to. But perhaps I'm over optimistic about the quality of the pastoral care you've got available. Certainly there is a big advantage of finding a counsellor who has a similar approach to Christianity as you do, otherwise you will be at risk of finding conflict there, which is not helpful. Yes in theory a good therapist ought to be able to work with you whatever your personal theology, but in practice it makes it harder if they're in a different place. So a 'referral' from your pastor might be a good way forward if that's what you need; it's not like you're going to be unique in what you're facing so it shouldn't come as a surprise to them. As I may have mentioned before now, our pastor was amazingly brave in admitting recently that he'd struggled for some years with an addiction to internet porn from the early days of the internet - he'd been a post grad science student at the time with access to an early form of the net.