Christian BoyLove Forum #62829
We had fun on our first day of hanging out together, we just played some video games and relaxed, as the weather wasn't really nice at all. He turns 13 in October, and you know, it's been so long since I've had a minor even in our house, so I was careful to watch what content I watch and what words to say, but it's saddening how much this 12 year old has already like, 'been there'. We had a conversation and he already masturbates. And yeah, I guess that's cool and all, he was kind of ashamed but I told him NO. That's dumb, everyone does it, it's cool. But I did advise him not to look at material on the internet because it can control you. We just had a neat little discussion that was just really great. I just wish american 12 year olds where a little more innocent. He goes to school and hears all kinds of things and it just saddens me a bit.
And Eldad, I understand your concerns but our friendship is nothing of the sort, we don't wrestle or sit on each other, he's just not a real open little guy, he's shy so he takes big interest in people who care about him. Ahh, I think next week we're going to go see Karate Kid :) |