Christian BoyLove Forum #65659
There were only ever three cblf posters who also joined CJAT, including me. Then later a couple of CJAT posters also contributed to cblf, so cblf got the same activity level back as it originally lost. I'd have to check, but I think cblf suspended its rota of devotionals before CJAT got started. In any case, only Cat was active in both places, and he made good creative use of cross-posting. CJAT is ecumenical and spans a very wide range of opinions, whereas cblf is more pitched on the conservative side of the spectrum and doesn't tolerate such a wide range of content. That, who knows, may be a good survival strategy someday. CJAT also has the limitation that it uses a common board software and is thus heavily targeted by spam bots. This makes guest posting a problem and right now it has been closed for over two months. There are other software issues that make it seem a good idea, to me, to have both sites running so that there is a place to regroup if one is temporarily in difficulty. The real problem we've all had is that most members of our community are yielding in one way or another to the intense social pressure attempting to drive us all into our closets. We've had the series of pogrom-like 'trawling'-style arrest campaigns (, Azov) where non-lawbreaking BLs have been worked over by oppressive authorities searching for the minority of lawbreakers among them. We've had the attempts by censorship software companies and governments to block access to our websites. We've had the exposure vigilantes -- and although counter-exposure has been effective against many of them, we still all need to act as if they are active. Turning this situation around is something that may be a long time coming, or it may happen soon. A couple of resounding not-guilty verdicts in Azov cases, showing authorities that they can no longer molest men who act in good faith with legal compliance, would establish a good protective boundary against harassment of the innocent. That extra security might help some people to rejoin our discourse. This is a narrow time, but not a time for giving up. "And He was passing through from one city and village to another, teaching, and proceeding on His way to Jerusalem. And someone said to Him, Lord, are there just a few who are being saved? And He said to them, Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able." Keep the narrow door open. |