Christian BoyLove Forum #66795
I think that Eldad was right to say "we", because the described problem is quite typical for us boylovers.
That was a great post, with the theological truth laid down in a simple and understandable way. The message led to comfort to those in pain. It also led me to some afterthought about the things I am currently doing and my relationships; it hit quite close to home in my life. So please, don't discourage such posts. Furthermore, the usage of "we" helps send the message to those truly "stuck in destructive thought patterns". People in need seek out others, who are hurt in the same or simmilar way. The fact, that someone is going through (or at least understands) the same problems they are encountering, is helpful in and out of itself. PS. Eldad, I can't contact you via mail anymore for some reason (it seems like there's something wrong with your / my email account). If you would like to come in contact again, you know where to find me. |