Christian Boylove Forum

Following trends.

Submitted by Old Heathen Pedo on 2002-12-10 17:58:54, Tuesday
In reply to Misperceptions more like submitted by PlatonicDieci on 2002-12-9 22:02:47, Monday

Dear Brother in Christ,

You came here seeking help to questions you're having and that is a good thing for sure but I see that when you ask for help you also become defensive once people begin to give you answers! No one here is claiming to be an expert on anything but I would place my faith in the fact that as a collective there are many years of experience being shared with you in this thread and you still want to believe what you wanted to believe in the first place.

This would be fine if everyone in this thread had opposite veiws that did not match and no one was in agreement to any advice offered thus far. However, this is not the case as you can see. If you focus on the fact that you basically want to justify or change your beliefs to justify having sex with minors then there are many here who agree and have given advice that it would be wrong for many reasons, to do so.

If you're seeking an automatic approval of those actions then I believe this is the wrong forum to seek in. There are plenty of other forums where you could gain approval within 5 minutes that you could "do as you please" with no consequences of your actions.

Seeing as you're here and seeking answers then I have faith that you will eventually see what others are trying to tell you. Now, to extrapolate further on your comments above and in general, let me begin again.

Even if you could be objective (you'd be an alien), you would have to have something to relate your thoughts to- and soon would be biased again. Ingrained beliefs do not equate to truthful or correct beliefs, so nothing but your assumptions are a farce.

Hardly a farce dear brother. In order to come to any conclusion on any matter of importance one must be objective to both sides of the issue and not allow themselves to make decisions based on what they think they see! Weigh both sides of the issue at all times. Being totally objective is of course not always possible but one must try to be so.

Your analogy cannot even equate, because it involves death and violence. I am not seeking just any belief that would justify any desires I have, I am seeking truth to balance the experiences I've had with the God I love. In your example a person would only have to decide that murder was positive, and that their view was the only one that mattered. I am looking for God's view, and claiming that's the only one that matters.

Again you take the act literally instead of objectively. Used as an example in words only, looking to justify or find truth in murder is the same line of thinking that you're harboring now. Seeking to justify or find truth in an act, no matter what it is. This is based on my feelings that both murder and sex with minors are acts of sin.

I know the difference between right and wrong- to be in God's will and love is right, to live outside of it is wrong. The task at hand is defining if sexual expression between two non-monogamous Christians, of the same sex and significantly differing ages, who deeply love each other, is possibly within God's will.

Ok fair enough. I will assume that you know the difference between right and wrong for the sake of this conversation. Further I will say that in actuality I've no beliefs to claim that sex outside of marriage is a sin though many here will disagree. A significant age difference however, is where I believe you're making a mistake and I will continue to believe so based on what I outline below.

If I draw on my own experiences exclusively I do see it is right, actually. That is why I'm here questioning it. You may have never seen a AF/YF sexual relationship that wasn't stable and loving, but I have. I've also seen the after effects of such a relationship. If it was a rotten apple, the seeds wouldn't have grown into a beautiful tree.

No, I know this to be untrue not only because as you say you've no experience of your own to draw on but also because I'm 90% sure the same examples you give of intergenerational love have also been witnessed by myself and I would, after some reflection, be able to conclude that you are not able to see the truth behind them and rather choose to see the outward projection that the persons involved wish to give you and others.

It is very important that you're able to see past the projection given to see the truth behind it. I cannot stress this enough because it is in total the real truth and the answer behind what you seek to justify.

None of the example relationships you give are in any way formed or practiced under God's grace. Further, they are based on manipulation and coersion of facts that are tilted and without logic that to the unaware, they would appear normal and loving. I do not deny they are without love or caring but you still fail to see even in the short term how they were formed and brought together. There are other factors of drug use and non-consent that you might not even be aware of even now. People placing a charade for the public are good at it and I will once again bring this back to the simple and possibly cliche' statement that the group in question is the Snake and they are looking to convince you to take the apple of your choosing.

I don't think I can say anything further here on that matter without saying things that should not be said here but please believe me, brother, that you are blind to the reality of what you think is normal and loving.

He has become over many years a peer, but he is still younger and still a friend. His age and our unique bond and intimacy will always characterize him as a YF to me. Even if one day the roles are reversed and I look to him as he once looked to me. The question of if my YF is to be called a YF has absolutely nothing to do with the topic though.

Yes I believe it is relevent from the point that you seem to have trouble defining relationships as they really are. Besides the examples I've pointed out above I must also bring this example into the conversation. You claim in your response above that you consider Bach a close friend but in your response to him here and I quote from your reply:

I've thought a lot about your questions listed above, and I would like to know what your answers are to them :-) We have never really talked in depth about your convictions that I recall- BL or otherwise really. What I'd like to know in addition to your view on paedosexuality is how you balance your view on sex with minors as opposed to sex with males, in the light of Christianity.

Now I would wonder why a person can consider someone else a close friend and not yet know how they feel on this particular subject? We are after all, supposedly Christians and BL's at the same time so I would think that if you were a close friend of Bach then you would already know this.

It is not my intention to question your relationship with Bach and I may very well be wrong but it would appear that you believe you are a close friend of someone when in reality you hardly know them. My apologies to Bach for picking out that particular example but it brought home to me a possible reason that you are basing your beliefs and views of relationships discussed thus far on people you really don't know all that well or perceive in the wrong manner.

Summing up things here, I believe this is a large factor in why you believe you see a loving and caring intergenerational relationship when in reality it is untrue based on God's teachings and a moral sense of what is right or wrong. If you still cannot understand what I am trying to help you see then I intend to continue if you still have questions on the matter.

You've cleared up that you are not intending to have relations with your current YF or peer and I will accept such as you say though it was important to to clarify that situation before continuing on here. Further, it was never my intention to put you in the position of responding only in words instead of combining it with prayer. No one here is attacking you just for the sake of attacking as I truely believe that all are concerned that you are taking a wrong step in your faith with God.

I realize that I am blunt and to the point and it can hurt but I'm praying that even in this style you will see what we are all trying to say together.


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