Christian Boylove Forum

I'm not so sure that it is so great....

Submitted by Ben on March 01 1999 at 08:06:47
In reply to My turn to except Submitted by F.O.D. on February 26 1999 at 13:12:25

Call me the cynic, but I do not believe that there is a man alive who really has no sexual appetite. I also don't want to lead you to believe that I am that way! On the contrary, my sexual appetite is rather strong, but has been limited to fantasy pleasure (to be as ungraphic as possible). While I certainly am not proud of this lifestyle, it has proved to prevent me from harming children or from breaking the law. I think that, given the alternatives, that this outlet is acceptable to God. However, my life has often been controlled by my sex appetite, and God has clearly helped me to downplay it. When fantasy becomes a drug for emptiness, it has become harmful.

What I am curious about, is why God would prefer men to have no sex at all. Indeed, this would (if it were ever really possible) prevent the propagation of the species. Does God really expect people to make babies just as a mechanical act, and never enjoy it? This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, even in light of the passages quoted above.

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