Christian Boylove Forum

Sound of god.

Submitted by Pastor Paul on March 02 1999 at 17:08:59

Light and sound of god.
The holy spirit: The two aspects through which god appears in the lower worlds. The holy spirit can appear to us as light, Which is a reflection of atoms of god moving in space, or as sound, Which is the Audible life
current that carries soul back home to god.
SOUL-The true self. The inner,most scred part of each person.
As a spark of god,Soul can see,Know, And perceive all things.
SOUL TRAVEL- A natural way to expand the consciousness, to experience
the higher viewpoint of yourself as soul through spiritual exercises,
SUGMAD-The sacred name of god, it is neither masculine or feminine.
This is what i did teach to my sunday school kids,Is that wrong?
is that teaching them about being gay? as the church told me it was?
DId i mislead them? I dont think i did, I tought them the best that i could
I was honest with them, I could not see what was wrong with my teachings.
True a lot of things i did teach came from the heart. not a book,
The kids seemed a lot better. more behaved. now there unruley.
I spent time with them talkrd to them as a kid not as a growen up.
i played in there games. Most of all i never looked down at them.
For doing this i was fired, Gays can not or will never know the lords
word! Are they right? I just dont know anymore.

Thank you
Pastor Paul.

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