Christian Boylove Forum

A Statement on Abuse

Submitted by Bach and Julius on June 17 1999 at 19:25:08

Hello fellow CBFers,

Some time ago Julius and I talked about the policy or approach to posts that might not reflect our own positions. As well, we wanted to articulate a position on abuse. We are suggesting that the following might be added to the FAQ:

Christian Boylove Forum participants believe that a distinction must be made between feelings of attraction (which are not chosen) and behavior (for which one must be held responsible). We believe that boylovers can control and channel their feelings so that their relationships with boys are beneficial and honor God. We are strictly opposed to the manipulation, coercion or abuse of children. We provide both support and accountability for our posters, attempting to help them critically examine their decisions and actions. Posts which do not reflect the webmaster's point of view are not deleted. Dialogue is begun to help all parties reflect on their views. All views are permitted and challenged.

We would like to have some input as to whether posters find this to be close to the general opinion on the board.

Please post your comments.

Peace of Christ,

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