Christian Boylove Forum

you're both wrong

Submitted by F.O.D. on July 09 1999 at 14:52:41
In reply to You've forgotten about the Devil Submitted by Heather on July 07 1999 at 19:59:59

No way was it the Devil sitting in God's place at this point. Every verse in the Old Testament testifies to the necessity of taking Canaan, driving out the people who lived there. Nor was it wanton slaughter. It was simple justice, a judgement laid on those nations for the wrong they themselves had been doing. The same judgement that's coming on every man and woman.

The whole Exodus was foretold to Abraham.
Genesis 15:12-19
"In the fourth generation your descendents will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure."

Quite contrary to God sadistically wiping out these people, or the Devil having them wiped out, God extended mercy to them by NOT bringing destruction upon them when they had not earnt it. God IS love. He always was. He was never in the business of killing people for his jollies.


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