Christian Boylove Forum

I gotta laugh

Submitted by Triple Q on July 10 1999 at 12:28:51
In reply to you're both wrong Submitted by F.O.D. on July 09 1999 at 14:52:41


But you've just provided proof that God committed premeditated murder.

The "all-knowing, all-seeing" God knows four hundred years back that the Amorites will become a decadent and immoral society and does nothing to prevent it?

When Sodom and Gomarrah became decadent and immoral, did he send tribes from elsewhere to slaughter everything in Israel? Did he make any effort to keep his people from being sent into bondage in Egypt?

If he knew 400 years before that the Amonites would fall, why did he try so hard to remove the only "Godly" influence that they had (the Abramites/Israelites) from their presence? Wouldn't it have been much more beneficial to have kept his people from bondage in Egypt and allowed them to serve as "examples/priests" for the Amonites?

Is the God you worship today the same God of the Bible? Because, if he is, when Hitler rose to power, every Christian/Hebrew/whatever in the known world at that time had every reason to simply take up arms and slaughter every man, woman and child in Germany...because they had become a decadent nation of murderers and thieves. When Saddam Hussein started his reign, Christians would have had the same rights there.

I'm sorry if this sounds like it is addressed at you, the person. It is not meant to be. I'm frowning at the beliefs, not you.

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