Christian Boylove Forum

my perspective

Submitted by d on September 16 1999 at 18:24:09
In reply to Sexual thoughts and sin Submitted by Mark on September 16 1999 at 17:27:29

The following is my view, from my life. Substitute wife/girlfriend for yf/boy as appropriate.

I would say that if I were to think about and dwell on thoughts of a woman in a way that, if played out, would be a sin, then it is a "sin of thought."


Thinking about kissing my girlfriend, no (not a sin).
Thinking about [censored] with my wife, no.
Thinking about romanticly kissing another person's wife, yes.
Thinking about [censored] with anyone but my wife, yes.

Now, some non-sexual activities have sexual overtones, but may be OK in the eyes of God in some cases, particularly if the sexual overtone is secondary or can be put to the side or that the activity is being done with your wife (I'm not saying that one of these is required). Smiling a meaningful smile to a woman, letting a woman sit in my lap, blowing a kiss, hugging, and tickling are just a few of the things I can do with a girlfriend that might have a sexual/physical meaning for one or both of us. Is it OK to do these or to even think about them and dwell on the thoughts? If she is your wife/girlfriend? If she is someone else's wife/girlfriend? If you are married and she isn't your wife? I don't know; I treat things on a case-by-case basis.

Of course, anything that distracts you from God is probably a sin.

-David ("d", who at the moment has no girlfriend and is still waiting for Mrs. Right)

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