Christian Boylove Forum

My argument is based on a different viewpoint

Submitted by Triple Q on October 27 1999 at 12:45:16
In reply to It's a JUVENILE case, geesh... Submitted by d on October 27 1999 at 11:58:15

The unwritten statement here is that the boy is not responsible for his own actions (because of his age) when, if the boy were to say that he was ready for sex, the majority of the people saying that he should not be held responsible would be defending his right to sexual activity to the death.

And it's for this reason that I went back and checked the articles on the case:
1) The petition states that the boy's parents were involved in some pornographic venture. The newspapers say that the parents admitted to talking about a pay-per-view pornographic website...not exactly the same thing as actually doing it but the petition makes no mention of this and, in fact, argues that the parents are totally innocent of this charge. Not true.
2) The petition states that the boy was put into a foster home with foster parents "who did not care anything about him". In truth, the only way the writer of the petition could know this is if he lived in the home.
3) The petition makes much ado about the boy being thrown into a juvenile detention center with gang members, murderers, and other hardened criminals. What it also states is that the center was for kids 10-18. The problem here arises when the petitioner decides that a child who has been arrested and accused of a crime seems to think that the boy should not be held in a facility that serves that purpose. His wording is extremely harsh and hostile to the people who would do this. But, in fact, they are only doing the only thing they could do.
4) The writer of the petition makes no judgements on the fact that the parents have been accused of child neglect on two occasions (and convicted of one), that they ran away (basically abandoning their child), that they admitted to thinking about a pornographic website when the result could only damage any credibility that they still had. The parents themselves are their own worst enemy.

I'm not condemning the boy. I just think that we as boylovers should be extra-critical to keep our emotions out of the way. The boy may or may not have committed the crime but the general concensus now among the boylovers is that he did not and, even if he did, he is not responsible for his actions.

I don't think that's right.

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