Christian Boylove Forum

News, News, News....

Submitted by Chris on January 27 2000 at 17:06:04

Hi Everyone,

I'm finally geting out of the house some, and I got a partial paycheck from last week, so I had a few extra I simply had to visit the local Christian book and music store! I picked up Big Tent Revival's new CD, "Choose(terna)life". That is kind of how it is spelled on the CD cover. But the music!!!!! More about that latter. I also picked up a magazine, "Charisma & Christian Life", because of an article called "New Gay Pentecostal Denomination Says Homosexuality Isn't Sinful". It's this article that I wanted to write about.

I would love to put the whole article here for everyone, but it might be a little to long. But if you want to pick it up, it is in the Jan. 2000 issue of this magazine. Anyway, I will attempt to give a general run down on it.

There is a group of Pentecostal believers that has been growing for a while now, called the National Gay Pentecostal Alliance (NGPA). They are teachng that homosexuality is not a sin and insist that the well-known Bible verses condemning same-sex relationships have been misinterpreted for centuries. However, leaders of the ex-gay ministries have refuted the NPGA's theology as a dangerous delusion.

William H. Carey, co-founder of the NPGA, says," In reading the Scriptures in Hebrew and Greek, we do not find any condemnation of homosexuality whatsoever." He also goes on to state," In the Hebrew Old Testiment, we find the record of two homosexual marriages. We find no evidence connecting Sodom and Gomorrah to homosexuality." And," We find that 1 Cor. 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 have been mistranslated, and Romans 1:26-27, while not mistranslated, are being misunderstood because people are taking them out of context and applying them to 20th-century America instead of first-century Rome, where a different lifestyle prevailed."

The article goes on to say that the mainstream Pentcostal ministers dismiss the NGPA as heretical. Arnold Lastinger, pastor of the First Assembly of God church, in Gainsville Fla., says," To expunge fom the Scriptures all those verses that deal with homosexuality as sin would automatically mean that you are not Full Gospel.". And he goes on to say," They want to be on board a winning team, and Pentecostalism is growing phenomenally around the world. It looks to me that they are trying to gain acceptance by elbowing thier way onto a winning team (now get THIS....) where they have not been invited, nor are they welcome." (Unbelievable attitude for a man who has been a "minnister of God's Word" for 20 years, huh?)

That is the article in maybe a little bit more than a nutshell. Unbelievable for me, to say the least, is the persecuting atitude of some of these Pentecostal Leaders. I am going to be praying for them, because I sincerly hope God can find forgiveness for these folks.

More about music a little for my music review comming to a Christian Boylove Forum nearest you!


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