Christian BoyLove Forum #61345
Cat can I ask where you got this word 'imago' from? There is something about it that worries me. I think it is the way in which it (perhaps unintentionally) makes light of the way a person feels and renders the experience of falling in love slightly hollow if not negative.
It's a word which perhaps springs from a secular understanding of the 'psyche' and for anyone with a spiritual life it might well lead to a significant dead-end. Couldnt it be that the word 'imago' relates more to a spiritual need and can really only be tackled by a man of faith in a spiritual way? To the secular psychologist or psychoanalyst that would be anathema and so they interpolate words like 'imago' to sort of fill the 'void'. . . . . When I had to do my 'course' this problem occurred several times in various guises and it has perhaps made me hyper-sensitive about modern psychological theory and the spiritual traps that it unintentionally sets. When we 'fall in love' in an intense way all of us discover within ourselves oceans of darkness which can be immensely difficult and challenging but dont we instinctively know that somewhere buried deep in the pain is the very source of everything we yearn for? But for the man of faith that isnt an imago, that's God. This is a word which secular psychologists cannot allow themselves. It's important for anyone with faith who gets involved in psychiatry to remember that. On the other hand if the word really helped you come to terms with things then who am I to argue? |