Christian Boylove Forum

This is getting ridiculous

Submitted by Drifter on 2002-11-3 18:33:52, Sunday
In reply to Lust and Sexual Fantasy submitted by J on 2002-11-2 05:28:59, Saturday

I’m aware you never stated such in your post but it would seem you may as well have since your position is that sexual thoughts equals lust and sexual desire is directly linked to sexual thoughts

Again, you insist in putting words in my mouth. Not only did I not say what you attributed to me the first time but I also did not say this other thing that you now claim is my position. Its easy to win a debate when you decide what both positions are, mine and yours. How about next time you listen to what my position is instead of imposing what you believe my position is?

I read every single one of them, assuming I didn’t indicates you feel your position is...
and again you put more words in my mouth then attack that position you invented as if it was the position that I made or that I believe in.

If you wanted to speak against the sexual thoughts = lust position, you should have done it in general terms or you should have discussed it with someone who believes that. But dont come putting words in my mouth, making it seem like I believe these things you attribute to me, then attacking those beleifs you made up, thats just silly.


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