Christian Boylove Forum

If I may be so bold..

Submitted by Scott on March 13 1999 at 22:37:20
In reply to Re: What We Believe Submitted by John Guard on March 11 1999 at 19:56:50

This is not a new thread, so I hope that you read this, JohnGuard.

I don't believe that it is God's will that we be CURED, or even that we can. I believe that we are given ourselves and everything inside for a purpose. I believe that it is God's will that we:

First and most importantly: Develop our relationship with Him, and learn to love Him and ourselves.

Secondly: Once we know His love, as best we can, i believe that it is His will for us to share that love with others, without discrimination. Kids, adults, boys, girls, people who hate us, those who love us, all need to know His love and His grace.

Thridly: I believe that He has given us a great gift when He plants the seeds of love so deeply in our hearts, that we fall in love with those who are closest to what humans should be: the children. They embody all that is good about people: innocence, unconditional love and trust, free giving of themselves, joyous laughter, and simple sharing of fellowship. They must learn from this world to hate, to fight, to promore themselves first.

He has not given any of us more than we can bear, with His help. I do not believe that He has given us this cross to bear, to love children yet be far away from them. His love is inside of us, waiting to be let out. That is all that He wants from us.

Let me know what you think, but you asked for others thoughts.


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