Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Is homosexuality the issue?

Submitted by wzzzy on April 08 1999 at 15:54:56
In reply to Is homosexuality the issue? Submitted by Heather on April 08 1999 at 14:18:18

Hi Heather.....

If you are a Christian, then homosexuality is the issue...
Weather you accept the fact that child-sex with males is homosexuality or is...

For the non-Christian, it will always be a moral issue (but I suspect if they are dealing with it morally, then God is dealing with them)

Now being homosexual is not a sin....the act of performing the act of homosexuality is....

I make no judgement towards anyone else.....and in my life God has dealt with me for many years....and has never judged me, but he did bring me to a state of understanding of his real LOVE....the belivers freedom (1 cor.10:23) "...Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive.

Christ fullfilled the Law....we are free, but we should be good stewards in our freedom....

Love ya all

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