Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Change and Jesus

Submitted by borg on May 08 1999 at 22:07:18
In reply to Re: Change and Jesus Submitted by meNj on May 08 1999 at 20:19:54

no i haven't been reading the screwtape letters, i've never even heard of them.but what i have been reading and meditating on is the Bible.God said He would be faithful and not allow me to be tempted beyond my ability to resist. therefore, through deductive reasoning, any thought contrary to this is not from God but from satan.but since you don't take the Bible literally you probably disagree.i have one question for you, since you don't take the Bible literally, how do you know what to follow and what to dismiss.if it were me, i would most certainly follow the stuff that i agreed with and dismiss the things that would require me to change. but thats just me, how about you?

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