Christian Boylove Forum

Don't ask me why I'm hanging out here..

Submitted by honesty.. on September 26 1999 at 21:13:42

I've just been around Christians all of my life and I enjoy disagreeing with you all.. I also find a certain responsibility in doing so.. and I surely do..

I believe in the concept of godliness.. we simply have different views and perceptions.. and believe me, I suspect I was a young and freshly baptised Christian earlier than some of you were perhaps even born..

I am no longer a Christian as I have been instructed and indoctrinated by the Episcopal Church.. with alot of Baptist for spice.. ;)

I believe the bible is testimony of ancients perceptions and a find some of it to be virtuous and other parts to be complete rubish..

Jesus Christ was one of the greatest philosphers in human history..

..just had to say that..

btw.. I rented Disney's "Moses" this weekend.. I love the animation amd the story is a winner too.. ;)


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