Christian Boylove Forum

asking for advice...or maybe just thinkin out loud

Submitted by Scott on September 28 1999 at 00:49:43

hey guys,
this has been on my mind, and it is more or less settled in my mind, but figured i would ask for opinions anyhow...
my thought is this...

if god will always forgive us, why can we not live as we please, and live in our sin, and then accept christ on our deathbeds and be forgiven?

now, dont think i am gonna go and do this, i have already rejected this course of action, but i was just interested in oyur opinions. i know all the scripture on this one, so please dont start thimping the bible at me...
i would just be interested in y'alls opinions on this...

here is my take on it: first, it is too easy. i didnt choose to follow christ to take the easy road all my life... second, i know better, and i love jesus and god too much to turn my back on them now... third, it is totally unbiblical... fourth, to me at least that kind of life would be full of the biggest kind of hollow ssatisfactions ever, and cannot compare to life with and in christ...

thanks, and feel free to offer opinions...i am not trying to argue theology, or piss people off, just want to know what y'all think...
in His love cause i CHOOSE to be,

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