Christian Boylove Forum

Why God Needs BLs: The fringe

Submitted by Ben on October 17 1999 at 18:42:53

We have all spent quite a bit of time and deep thought trying to figure out why God made us this way, and have exchaged some great ideas. All of these have merit and I believe that we can explore more reasons.

This weekend led me to discover a very powerful characteristic that I possess because I am a BL, which is a powerful tool for God to use:

As a BL we have learned to live on the fringe of society. I understand that many of us (myself definately included) have learned to mask our orientation and to appear as living within regular society to a number of people. After all, I have a normal job, hang out with my family, coach sports, pay taxes and all of that. But, as do most here, I really do not live completely in that world. Because of my orientation, I do, and always have, learn to live outside of the mundane mainstream of soccer carpools and PTA meetings. After all, we participate in a forum comprised pedophiles, a group who is almost universally hated and misunderstood. This is NOT a mainstream forum, but instead it is considered to be on the edge of decency (though I would argue that it is INCREDIBLY decent). How many of us would leave this URL out in the open at work? Many of us have done things that we are not proud of. Perhaps we have been to illegal sites on the web, have followed cute boys around the mall, or have gone to a beach, just to eye the beautiful boys and then later masterbated. Whatever we have done as BLs, there is an element of our lives that has detached us from the mainsteam in a unique way. How many Americans would be willing to move into someone elses house, to fly to another country or to take a boy into their house? Yet as BLs, many of us have been willing to make major life changes in our own lives, to be with a boy or to help a boy. Others of us have gone out on the edge to escape the scrutiny of family into our lives. Whatever lifestyle we live as BLs, we are usually more adventurous than most, willing to forgo our lawnmowers and Sunday football games for another purpose.

God needs people like this. He needs men who will move in with a boys family to help that boy. He needs men who will pick up the broken pieces of a boys life after his father has beaten and abandoned him. He needs men who will volunteer in church to spend time with those annoying (but oh so cute!) twelve year olds. He needs men who would travel across the world to help someone, who would give up their life for a greater purpose. For me, if my church asked me to build a children's hospital in some war torn city in Bosnia, I would ask them if I can bring one suitcase or two. Having lived on the fringe, I have less to give up and a far greater sense of adventure than most other men in my stage in life. In John 15, Jesus, talking about persecution says "19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. "

In a real way, God HAS chosen us out of the world by making us BLs. By doing so, he has equipped us to see a greater purpose in life and to be willing to do more than those who push lawnmowers or play golf on Sunday.

You are not alone.


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