Christian Boylove Forum

Re: I'm Impressed....and more than just curious, Ben ...

Submitted by Ben on May 08 1999 at 07:40:09
In reply to I'm Impressed....and more than just curious, Ben ... Submitted by tks .... (takes a deep breath) on May 08 1999 at 00:08:45

tks -
A couple of unconnected responses to your post.

First, when I said that I was motivated by a wholehearted desire to turn to God, what I mean is that this concept is what motivates me to change my behavior. I have not yet studied salvation enough to have a firm belief about it (or damnation). Therefore, my belief is based on "pleasing the Father", which perhaps might fill an unfulfilled need in my own life :) As far as I'm concerned, I could probably not even investigate heaven and hell and be motivated by trying to please God. I actually met another Jew in the church who interestingly had the same motivation.

Second, you talked about metaphysical experiences changing who YOU were. I'd like to hear more about that. Jesus does say that the only way to the father is through him.

John 4:16

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

While my church teaches this as an absolute truth I am still not convinced that other people cannot come to God through other methods. God, after all, sent Jesus to fullfil a promise to man which would cause man to turn his heart to God. It is our hearts that God wants....MAYBE there are other routes to God besides through Jesus. The issue of sin forgiveness is another issue but I don't know enough about it to speak on it yet.

I'm a little confused by your comments about the bible since I am using the term to refer to the WHOLE bible (Old and New Testament). My readings have been in both testaments and the Gospels have been a MAJOR source of my reading (but not the only source).

Dying to myself is very very hard for me because boys are everything to me. I don't think that God is looking for me to kill my love for boys, but I do think he is looking for me to put my love for them to better use than just sitting around and fantasizing about them all day.

It is great talking with you because you are both inspired and inspiring.

You are not alone.



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