Christian BoyLove Forum #61683

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Re: People are people

Posted by Unique on 2010-02-10 17:35:29, Wednesday
In reply to People are people posted by Cat on 2010-02-10 14:00:32, Wednesday

I agree our normal would seem disgusting to others but there is a massive bold line between good and evil, kind and selfish, caring and abusive, and heaven and hell. It is what devides the universe in half. No one was born evil and its what people choose to do so you cant just say "Would I be any different to the next guy if I'd had his life and circumstances". There is aboslutely no excuse for harming another person especially if that person never did anything wrong to deserve it.

Everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their own lives as long as they do not burden another human being with their twisted ways, no person has the right to harm another, so the biggest question you gota ask yourself is "would you want to be treated the way your treating another person" and if all those pedophile parents who molest their kids had infact asked that question the outcome would have been different, so whats good for the goose is also good for the gander which means if the people molesting their own children would dislike being molested or raped and violated themselves then what the hell makes them so special to be able to cause another person the same grief they are too coward to face themselves.

I dont care if people do whatever horrible, violent or sadistic acts on their own body's because thats a choice they have a right to make, but soon as they begin imposing their harm onto someone who never asked for it then i make it my business to judge, criticise and to interven if I could intervene because God never gave them the right to harm a life he created.

those thats what makes aperson

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