Christian Boylove Forum

You mean it's not as bad as I fear?

Submitted by F.O.D. on February 09 1999 at 18:30:26
In reply to It's never wrong to struggle with such questions Submitted by Heather on February 09 1999 at 17:26:04

Thanks for replying, Heather.
Do you mean to say that admitting before close ones that I am gay isn't necessarily the cessation of life as I know it, as I fear is the case? That on the contrary it can help me go forward in life and become more successful in serving God?

I guess one thing that worries me is, say with the case of the YF I mentioned, if I told his dad what I really feel (about guys in general; this YF is a good buddy, but not someone I'm "in love" with) then his dad would start wondering why I wanted to be such good friends with his son and maybe wouldn't want me to remain friends with them (the whole family) anymore. They mean a lot to me and I wouldn't want to be exiled from them. Then again, the dad always asks about me and how my girlfriends are (I gave the family a running account of my last girlfriend)....when I said we had broken up, he replied "uh oh". It makes me wonder if actually he already guesses how I feel about things.

What do you mean exactly by "The choice isn't between being sexually active and being honest." Do you mean I can be sexually active and honest about it at the same time? Or that I can be honest about it and not feel like I've lost my whole life for doing so?

I hope you're not feeling bad still over Green Lantern's misunderstanding you ;)


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