Christian Boylove Forum

It's never wrong to struggle with such questions

Submitted by Heather on February 09 1999 at 17:26:04
In reply to say a little prayer for me Submitted by F.O.D. on February 09 1999 at 15:54:47

The choice isn't between being sexually active and being honest. Here's some quotations to back that:

From Bob Davies, the executive director of Exodus International (the ex-gay organization), concerning the sitcom Ellen:

"I can understand Ellen's desire to come out of the closet. I spent many years hiding my own homosexuality. After finally admitting the truth to family members and friends, I felt an incredible weight slide off my shoulders. It felt so freeing to end the pretense of being 'straight' when my sexuality only pulled me toward my own sex."

From a female ex-gay who is still attracted to women:

"Coming out of the closet has been the most risky and the most freeing move I have ever made. I would fear to see where I would be today had I not come to terms with my hidden secrets."

From the American Catholic bishops (speaking to parents):

"Perhaps you had sensed for some time that your son or daughter was different in some way. Now he or she has come to you and has entrusted something very significant. It may be that other siblings learned of this before you did, and were reluctant to tell you. Regardless, though, a burden has been lifted. Acknowledge the possibility that your child has told you this not to hurt you or create distance, but out of love and trust and with a desire for honesty, intimacy, and closer communication.

"God does not love someone any less simply because he or she is homosexual. God's love is always and everywhere offered to those who are open to receiving it."


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