Christian Boylove Forum

Stumbling Block

Submitted by Ben on April 07 1999 at 21:29:34

I've hit a big stumbling block today that needs some greater perspective.

In my bible study we encountered the topic of sex and sin. It seems that my church believes that any lustful thought, any sexual action (including masterbation) is sinful. I asked the father of the twins if they really expect men to be completely free from sin until they are married. He said that the Holy Spirit will help them. I'm sorry, but I just see this as totally impossible. We are sexual beings and, while we have to act responsibly with our bodies, we certainly must have SOME outlet. Does he really expect his teenage son to never masterbate? The only thing that that will accomplish is to make his son HIDE the fact that he masterbates.
I know that I cannot become non sexual, though God has really helped me to become far less focused on sex than I had been before. I am far better at avoiding temptation, but I also will fall short at times. And that will keep happening.

Now I am faced with these options:

a) Convince myself that I really can become non sexual, a proposition absolutely guaranteed to fail.
b) Proceed with the knowledge in my head that this church is being a bit too radical in their interpretation and make my own decisions on the side about what is really possible. After all, what I do in my own privacy is only accounted by God, not by members of the church.
c) Turn away from the church, knowing full well that I cannot possibly do what they expect.

Any thoughts?

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