Christian Boylove Forum

The question you have to ask yourself

Submitted by Triple Q on September 30 1999 at 11:00:35
In reply to more advice...if ya dont mind Submitted by Scott on September 29 1999 at 17:15:43

If there were no boys there, would you still love your job? The way you descibed it, I don't think so.

If you are worried about how you feel around them, then you must be having thoughts about whether you will be able to control the feelings you have as well. Is the temptation worth the inevitable outcome?

I'm not trying to tell you that you should leave your job...that's the furtherest thing from my mind...but you do need to be aware of the position that you are putting yourself in.

As you said, the kids notice. And, if they notice, eventually one of them is going to say something. It's inevitable.

If you want to learn to control the "problem", practice thinking about what could happen of one of those boys "cries wolf". Personally, that would put a damper on my parade real fast.

Love unconditionally (but be prepared for the fallout)

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