Christian Boylove Forum

Stupid me...I'm gonna argue the wrong side

Submitted by Triple Q on October 13 1999 at 14:48:10
In reply to My first post here. Submitted by BLues on October 11 1999 at 01:13:38

I don't really see how the tenets of Christianity are in opposition to how you feel.

Consider, you're a Christian, straight...and married (purely hypothetical :). You happen to find this woman who is everything you've ever wanted in a woman. But you have a long and pleasant history with a wife you love very much. Do you simply ignore the wife and chase after this new and exciting attraction? No, because God's word tells you that that is wrong.

The problem that boylovers deal with is much the same. They want what is, to most, unattainable. It's not the fact that sex with children is wrong. It's the fact that it is wrong to think that way when the Bible tells us it's wrong. It's circular thinking, I know, but then again Christians never could answer a straight question.

Supposedly, God gives us these feelings because they are a test...not because we were created in the image of God. If we were, then he would be both male and female, good and evil, lustful and saintly. Have you ever known anyone to define God as lustful? No, and you never will. It's because God is good and cannot have any negative emotions (well, maybe anger and hate but never lust).

The Christian religion wreaks with inconsistancies but at its core there is a truth worth hearing if you are willing to listen. Ignore man's word and read the Bible as you would like to apply it. You might find that grain of truth that you so desperately desire...or not. It's really in your own hands, not God's.

Me? I am my own God.


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