Christian Boylove Forum

A different perspective from one who is straight.

Submitted by Theo Book on March 03 2000 at 18:34:15

I am straight, as regards such things, but is the fact of my being "straight" sufficient to allow me to judge those who are gay? I think not.

I notice a common thought expressed by many, that "the church" thinks or teaches thus and such. May I point out "the church" is not the rightoues body it perceives itself to be, but rather is a "rationalizing" body. Whatever the moral issue of the moment, whether it be gay/lesbian relationships, heterosexual promiscuity, lying, stealing, covetousness, blinding one's self to one's faults; the church can rationalize anything that is a common enough practice, to alleviate anxiety, or a consciousness of guilt, for its members.

There was a time when Christianity considered itself ready to sacrifice "self" for the sake of God in the world. Now, it stands ready to sacrifice "YOU" for the sake of God in the world. The church has a tendency to see the sins of others, only in relation to those sins of self which are of a lesser nature.

I have posted on several boards, the scriptural teachings on the subject of Homosexuality, and been praised highly for its content, by Christians who perceived the gay community properly told. But, when I pointed out that the scriptures applied equally to them, they turned on me, and would have burned me at the stake for suggesting liars in the church will burn for their lies, thieves will burn for their thefts, etc.,

I believe I can honestly present scriptural teaching on the subject, but I do not want to alienate anyone by virtue of their "orientation." I have found that much of the time, when I post such material, I am perceived as somehow being "judgmental." That is not the case. It is not my place to judge, even if I perceive what I think is sin in another person. Paul said, "if we would judge ourselves, then we would not be judged." I agree with Paul.

I had thought about simply offering a website where I have posted the material for the use of those interested, but then I lose feedback. I am not interested in simply posting and "getting someone told." I am interested in a live discussion of reality. Much of religion's teaching is not in the real world, but is in some imagined lofty place in the sky. Real people do not live like that.

If I am a liar, and you are a thief, would it be better for us to post and counterpost about thieves and liars going to hell? Or would we be better off saying, simply, "Hey bro, I have a problem. I tell lies. How do I overcome this fault? I can tell you how to stop stealing, but I can't stop my lying."

Why the church doesn't own up to its failures and faults is their problem, but how to understand the self is a problem that belongs to all of us. And I would not turn away anyone,based on a sexual orientation, who wants to have a dialogue in the scriptures.

I think the church misses a great opportunity in that respect, not to save all the gays, but to realize the faults in all of ourselves. Denial is a terrible place in which to be trapped.

What say you? Shall I post my essay on the scriptures and Homosexuality? Shall I post on other subjects? Shall I return from whence I came?

In the love of Christ by the grace of God

Theo Book

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