Christian Boylove Forum

Re: What We Believe

Submitted by d on March 11 1999 at 12:00:52
In reply to What We Believe Submitted by John Guard on March 11 1999 at 08:35:35

First, specific acts which are not inherently wrong may be wrong for YOU. For example, the Bible implies (or states, I forget) that while eating meat is OK, it is wrong for people to eat meat (or eat it in a particular circumstance) if that will cause either you or your brother to stumble.

If you are feeling guilty about something, that should be a clue that, at the very least, it is wrong for you (or wrong for you in the circumstances you are doing it).

>Furthermore, thousands of the pics I and my friends have taken are
>being circulated throughout the net and this has been
>a guilt-pain for me since I feel that I am contributing to the kids
>being treated as sex objects.
In addition to the "is it right" aspects you may have legal aspects (you did not and should not say if these pictures are illegal - this is a public forum, after all). Also, even if legal, you have the issue of distributing pictures without the permission of the parents - this is a matter of morality and civil law, not criminal law.
God told us to respect our civilian governments.

You should know, I am not a pedophile. My opinions of pornography, sexual acts with children, etc. are in line with most non-pedophiles (for the sake of being civil and out of respect for the nature of this forum, I will not go into them here - email me or catch me in IRC if you want to discuss this further). I have met (online) pedophiles that I consider friends who agree with me and those who do not.

-d (david_tx on IRC [EFNET usually])

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