Christian Boylove Forum

What We Believe

Submitted by John Guard on March 11 1999 at 08:35:35

Hi there..I am quite new here so I am still not so sure what people here generally believe or agreed upon. Nevertheless, it is most refreshing to see that there are people like me who wants to have a sound and right relationship with GOD the Father while on the other hand, being a pedophile(BL). I have come to accept, like most of the people here, I gather, that the two are not necessarily exclusive. It is most conceivable to be a pedophile and Christian at the same time. The LORD JESUS was often criticized for hanging around prostitutes, criminals, healthens, terrorists, etc. His priority was to the outcasts and the oppressed, because HE knows that most of these people are suffering inside and need GOD's Love. However, I doubt that HE will accept a pedophiliac lifestyle and that is my dilemna at this point. What is the boundary between what is acceptable and what is not in GOD's eyes.? For sure, raping or molesting a child is not in HIS will. How about the more "gray" areas, like the collection of erotica, or the frequent jacking off to fantasies of kids? I feel that in accordance to the 2nd great commandment, making anyone a sex object, even passively, is wrong because it renders them as objects and not as people. What do you think about it? I have been working with kids for decades..have worked with hundreds of time and have never acted out in anyway whatsoever...more out of the fear of GOD than of society but my conscience has not ceased to bother me as I have, at the same time, been collecting erotica (decent but still arousing pics of kids) as well as frequently jacking off to them. Furthermore, thousands of the pics I and my friends have taken are being circulated throughout the net and this has been a guilt-pain for me since I feel that I am contributing to the kids being treated as sex objects.

Any opinion is greatly appreciated.

In Christ,
John Guard

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